I am a tattoo artist. After spending a decade of making large scale sculptural installations that I tried to make transformative, I realized that the way I wanted to be transformative was on a one on one basis.

I love tattooing. So, so much.

It’s simultaneously empowering and transformational. Sometimes it’s funny, or tough, and I love how it creates connections. I am in love with all the things tattoos are for every different person. It has been an immense honor getting to collaborate and create personalized art for really incredible humans. THANK YOU to each of you incredible humans.

I live and work in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As with most artists, I also practice multiple practices; as a tattooer, sculptor, poet, illustrator, letterer, and green thumb. As if that wasn’t enough, I also really enjoy designing and organizing spaces.

My proudest installations to date have used plants as their focal material, air plants, succulents, and cut floral greens. I enjoy the concept of the necessity of care for the artwork, and how it can grow//change//communicate. My previous installations have been built around community and viewer interaction, and collaboration, because art, for me, is about connecting with others.


There have been seasons of food insecurity in my life, and the panic and anxiety that comes from not knowing where dinner comes from is intense. The people in my community who showed up for me when I needed it hold a special space in my heart, like guardian angels. In the city, after the murder of George Floyd, Minneapolis was a food desert. I felt helpless, and I was still mostly quarantined at the time. All I could do was drive things from where they were, to where they needed to be. I had already found a community of people providing food for their community, and had been the beneficiary of their work. I asked to bring what was surplus into the city, and it grew from there. It started with my little car load, and dropping it off around town with people giving out groceries and cooking for the community. Soon, each place I stopped was asking for all the food I had, and I had to scale up.

I got connected with some local farmers in rural Minnesota, and started bringing in whole produce trucks of food, organizing teams of drivers to get fresh produce to all the people and organizations who could use it, and get it out to their community as fast as possible. This was all started in the summer of 2020, and we’re still moving produce around, 2 years later. As it is winter right now, I’m trying to pin down the edges of how I’d like this to grow for the next season, but it will forever be a passion of mine, and I will always be trying to cleverly find ways to get fresh food to as many of you as I can.

If you’d like to be involved, please contact me! If you’d like to donate, the two organizations I work with are the Shift Cooperative, and Twin Cities Relief Initiative. (Links below)